Highest Achievable Accuracy with Manual or Automated Data Entry

With either manual or automated data entry (sometime using both), CPI can achieve the required accuracy to ensure retrieval and usage of accurate, complete data. Utilizing the methods listed below CPI will guarantee accuracy levels commensurate with customer requirements.

Using a Manual Entry Process

Both ‘double entry’ and ‘triple entry’ methods can be used to achieve required accuracy levels.

‘Double entry’ verification includes the independent key entry of data by 2 unique keyers. Software compares the 2 outputs and identifies any mismatches. These mismatches are then reconciled/repaired by either a 3rd key operator (checker) or ‘on the fly’ by the 2nd key operator at the time the mismatch is identified. Typically, accuracy using this method exceeds 99.5%.

‘Triple entry’ verification includes the same process as ‘double entry’ but adds a 2nd ‘checker’ to reconcile/repair mismatches. After 2 ‘checkers’ have completed their review, a 3rd ‘checker’ reconciles/repairs any remaining discrepancies. This results in very high accuracy, possibly reaching 99.999% for legible characters.

Using OCR/ICR in the Capture Process

Automated capture technology such as OCR, can speed up the entry process and sometimes reduce costs. Once again, the image and character quality as well as ease of locating the fields for capture will have a measurable effect on the determination to use automation in the process.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is built into the indexing process with computer edits and databases. Project specifications can include validity/logic checks including:

  • Acceptable date ranges for date fields
  • Data match with USPS supplied address verification database
  • Use of a Zip Code look-up database
  • Acceptable character type (numeric, alpha or special characters)
  • Mathematical formulas and algorithms to check totals

Access to pre-existing databases can also improve quality and output consistency. For example, a list of subdivisions (land records) or Provider names and addresses (health insurance) can speed up the capture process and help reduce costs.

However, many times, image and character quality are determining factors in CPI’s ability to capture data with the highest accuracy. Close cooperation with scanners combined with a mutual understanding of field and character ‘legibility issues’ ensures an efficient and functional output.

Fast Delivery

  • Transactions can be handled within minutes for customers requiring instant processing, or within 8 to 24 hours for projects requiring overnight processing.
  • Continuous online and voice processing 24/7
  • We process thousands of documents and transactions daily and can easily expand staff to meet critical deadlines. Our service centers in major Asian BPO hubs have a plentiful supply of well-trained technical workers.

Learn More About Our Data Capture Services

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