Experienced. Fast. Global.
Manage Your Project
Every project is different. Our experienced local managers work closely with your team to plan and execute the program. This involves choosing the best global location for your work, customized software or database development, pre-production testing and adjustment, ongoing project control and communication, monitoring, high-level quality, and on-time delivery. You will have the advantages of local management combined with the benefits of a global workforce.
Meet Your Deadlines
We work online or offline to meet your business process turnaround deadlines. Via fast internet connections, we can process data instantly in your systems. Or, we can receive images continuously from multiple locations via SFTP for fast offline processing and turnaround. Many current customers receive data within minutes or hours.
Achieve the Highest Accuracy Without Delays
Using both technology and skilled operators, our teams around the globe assemble a capture process that is both efficient and cost effective. The project developments team uses OCR/ICR capture with a verification step, single or double manual entry with random quality control, and software edits put in place to ensure accuracy.
Online or Offline
For customers whose system is constructed to allow remote access, we can securely log in directly and perform data processing on-line remotely. With a 24/7 capability, our operators can work during the U.S. night hours, allowing for more complete usage of software licenses and expenses. If time allows, images can be uploaded via SFTP or sent on DVD, thumb or USB drives to our US office for secure transfer and processing.
Audited Annually