
  • Health claims data capture (CMS, UB, ADA, Workers Comp, EOB, reprice)
  • EOB review and data capture
  • Mortgage/auto policy tracking
  • Database development for new homeowner policy sales
  • Delivery in any format

Case Study:

The Situation:

A Carolina based company wanted to be the first insurer to offer homeowners a new policy after their closing on a purchase. As soon as a County recorded a mortgage and uploaded the information to its web site, the company could prepare a marketing reach-out to propose an insurance program for the new buyers. The company realized that the first one to offer the homeowner coverage had a far higher chance of signing a deal.

It had been a problem and too expensive for the company to access the on-line County services themselves to gather the necessary information in a timely manner.

The Solution:

After identifying the County web sites for remote accessibility and choosing which ones had highest priority, the company helped CPI staff obtain the rights to log on to the various sites.  Every evening, CPI gathered the data on any newly recorded purchase that met the pre-determined qualifications.  After validation, the data was made available to the customer early each morning.  Upon receipt, the company promptly mailed a promotional piece to the new homeowner.

The customer was able to get the data very quickly, manage costs, and realize a significant increase in policy sales.